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Beyond the House

How Habitat's Investments Ripple Across the Local Economy

Every year, Habitat for Humanity helps millions of people across the U.S. and in more than 70 other countries around the world achieve homeownership, repair their homes, and build stronger communities.

Stable housing has a tremendous impact on family and community health, improved education outcomes for children, and increased financial stability and opportunity, and the cascading effects are far-reaching and transformational. Housing is simply foundational to building strong communities, and the work Habitat does helps drive critical social and economic outcomes.

Like all local Habitat affiliates across the country, your Jackson Habitat works closely with Habitat's home office to measure and track the impact our work has not only on the families who partner with us for homeownership opportunities, but also our local economy.

Habitat for Humanity International recently published a report with great detail and interesting facts you may not be aware of about how your support of Habitat and housing stability improves your community in more areas than you might think. Scroll downclick here to read the report in its entirety.

Examples of how Habitat's work impacts Jackson's economy are:

  • Construction suppliers and contractors (we support local contractors and suppliers)

  • Property value increase from new builds in neighborhoods

  • Property taxes being paid by Habitat home owners

  • Creates jobs in building trades

Click below to Read the Beyond the House Report


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Program Office Hours:

Mon-Fri  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


ReStore Hours:

Tues-Sat:  10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Sunday:    Closed

Monday: Closed

Site Links

Greater Jackson Habitat for Humanity does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, handicap, religion, marital status, or because any portion of an applicant’s income is derived from public assistance programs.

251 W. Prospect


Jackson, MI 49203



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